“The sustainability plan is a public relations tool used to sell sustainable development to the community. People are told the plan was developed from the ground up, from citizen participation. The fact is, according to the report, you have had 25 people participate in this exercise, in a population of 166,000 people. That’s zero point one five percent participation.
It’s unlikely that the board, or even those that participated in the development of the sustainability plan, were aware of what they were led to consider, was initiated by the United Nations.”
May 12, 2011 – Diane Holst addresses the Supervisors prior to their 3-2 vote to approve Scott County’s Sustainability Plan.
Holst points out that the public was led to believe the Plan had broad public input and cites that only 25 people had any input on a document that aspires to be the new governing principles for over 160,000 people in Scott County. About 1/100th of 1%, Holst points out.
Holst walks the board through portions of the document they are readying to vote to approve, pointing out the sources of concepts and details within the document and how they related to the UN Agenda 21.
“Using your own sources, that were cited in the study, I’d like to tell you about who you’ve invited into our community by accepting this grant.”
Governor Branstad issued a proclamation in June of 2012 stating, among other things, that “certain stated philosophical goals of Agenda 21 conflict with the protection of private property rights and individual liberty;” The full document is viewable by clicking the image below.