Radio consultant presentation delayed

Radio consultant presentation delayed

I posted in December that the consultant hired by the Scott Emergency Communication Center (SECC911) would present their results at the December SECC Board meeting.  The SECC Director’s update indicated that the working document was being reviewed for grammatical errors.  At the December Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting, the SECC Director advised that board that the consultant had been asked to split apart the costs for Iowa and Illinois.  Note that the original RFP was for a new radio system for the Quad City area.

Also, …

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Resolution for Scott County EMA and Scott County service agreement

Resolution for Scott County EMA and Scott County service agreement

I cast a NAY VOTE on a June 4, 2015 resolution authorizing Scott County EMA employees to provide consultation services to Scott County.  I was opposed to the process used to fill a recently vacated EMA Director position, which is solely a decision of the EMA Commission.

I was not in favor of the role the County played in facilitating the hiring arrangement, so I could not support the resolution for consulting service for the County to be delivered by the employees of EMA.

In addition, the EMA …

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Letter from concerned Davenport citizen – county vehicle usage

Letter from concerned Davenport citizen – county vehicle usage

I want to provide an update to the person that sent me a letter about the use of county vehicles.  Scott County (Iowa) Board of Supervisors approved Sept. 15, 2011, a contract with Mercury Associates for a study of the fleet service.  Since I was not on the Board in 2011, I have asked that the results of that study be presented to our current board to check progress on their recommendations.  Expect this presentation in the August timeframe.  Look for the date and time …

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Federal Grant Certified Assurances

Federal Grant Certified Assurances

On our agenda this week, approval of an application for a grant from the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program through the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).

Accepting this award hereby assures and certifies compliance with all applicable Federal statute, regulations, policies, guidelines, and requirements stated in the Standard Assurances

Click HERE to view the Federal Grant Certified Assurances in it’s entirety.



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Emergency Management Commission – Coordinator vacancy

Emergency Management Commission – Coordinator vacancy

Chapter 29C of Iowa Code established a department of homeland security and emergency management and authorizes the establishment of local organizations for emergency management in the political subdivisions of the state. Our local Emergency Management Agency is a countywide, joint county-municipal agency organized to administer this chapter under the authority of a commission. This commission is a municipality as defined in Iowa Code section 670.1.

See Iowa’s Administrative Code for Homeland Security and Emergency Management. The commission is compromised of the following members: A member of the county …

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Let Iowa Legislators do their job

Let Iowa Legislators do their job

Though Scott County’s participating in the Urban County Coalition (UCC), we are asked, or at times we may ask the member counties to support legislation.

I am siting such an example for discussion.  SF 221, successor to SF20, provides access and communication through the Iowa Communications Network between local law enforcement agencies, E911 public safety answering points and related facilities. Click HERE to view the bill.

My issue ties back to having a lobbyist.  What do you feel is your Supervisor’s responsibility  to perform due diligence and …

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Gas Tax

Gas Tax

Scott County, through our lobbyist, the Urban County Coalition, took the position in support of the 10 cent fuel tax increase.  I did not support this position, and am on record with our Board as opposing the bill.

The CAFE regulations for 2011-2025 predict a $1.7 trillion dollars in total savings to consumers as a result of the new fuel economy standards.  This means that revenue for the state will continue to decline, and a 10 cent increase is merely a short-term fix.

I needed to know …

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Proposed legislation to increase bond limitations

Proposed legislation to increase bond limitations

Scott County, through our lobbyist, the Urban County Coalition, has taken a position on SSB 1026, now SF 466, that I am not in agreement with. Currently, the Supervisor’s limit on essential county purpose bonds is $1.2 million. The original version, SSB 1026, would remove all limits if the project is 50% occupied for judicial purposes. Version SF 466 drops the judicial purpose requirement to 25% and changes the bonding limit from unlimited to $2.5 million.

I do not support either version, with the most recent …

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My “No” vote on the 2015-2016 County Budget

My “No” vote on the 2015-2016 County Budget

On February 26, 2015 a resolution was moved to approve the 2015/2016 Scott County Budget.  I cast a “no” vote for this resolution.

A balanced budget was presented by Staff, representing months of work by Administration, Departments and Analysts at the direction of the Board.  The five year capital project plan funds a Space Utilization Master Plan of over $12 million for FY15-17.

In an effort to alleviate, as much as possible, added interest costs associated with long term financing such as general obligation bonds, Scott County …

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My “No” vote on architectural and engineering design services

My “No” vote on architectural and engineering design services

Request For Proposal (RFP) – A type of bidding solicitation in which a company or organization announces that funding is available for a particular project or program, and companies can place bids for the project’s completion. The Request For Proposal (RFP) outlines the bidding process and contract terms, and provides guidance on how the bid should be formatted and presented. A RFP is typically open to a wide range of bidders, creating open competition between companies looking for work.

On February 26th, a resolution to award …

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